SchedMCore is an Open Source library and a set of tools made by ONERA (The French Aerospace Labs, for experimenting real-time scheduling analysis and programming. The main features of SchedMCore are:
- A schedulability model generator: the generator takes a periodic tasks set description and a scheduling policy as input and generates a formal model (currently either in C or Uppaal) which may be used to proceed to a multi-processor schedulability analysis.
- A real-time simulation library including a scheduler plugins architecture which may be used to test-drive a scheduler policy on a RT-POSIX compliant system (currently working on standard Linux).
Multi/Many-core schedulability analysis and simulation.
Claire Pagetti - ONERA Centre de Toulouse
Eric Noulard - ONERA Centre de Toulouse
Link to the website
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Forge,, and source code repository,, are available as well.
Version History
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or directly the subversion history;
Eric NOULARD, ONERA/DTIM/LAPS, ONERA - Centre de Toulouse
2 avenue E. Belin, B.P. 74025, F-31055 Toulouse Cedex 4, FRANCE
tel: +33 (0)5 62 25 26 38, fax: +33 (0)5 62 25 25 93