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Easy analysis of hard real-time systems – how far can we get?

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019
by pagetti
Title: Easy analysis of hard real-time systems – how far can we get?

Author: Albrecht Mayer (Infineon)

Easy means getting reliable, understandable, quantitative answers for simple questions like is it working? Is it robust?

This all without a detailed knowledge of the whole system, without having all design data and without tool hassles and high cost.

On the hardware side this goal requires the necessary observation units on chip and a cost effective tool hardware infrastructure. This is solved to a large degree today e.g. by the microcontrollers of the AURIX family. The challenge is to use the observation capabilities by new analysis approaches. In this talk I will give concrete examples how performance properties of a real-time system can be analyzed automatically with this goal in mind.